We specialize in inside, outside cylindrical and surface precision grinding. What makes us unique is we can hold close tolerances to within .0001 inches AND we're capable of grinding components as large as 70" in diameter and up to 40" in height to all established requirements! United Grinding, Inc. is certified to grind parts per PWA-106, the grinding of titanium and titanium alloy Pratt & Whitney parts.
Connecticut's precision grinding specialists!
Call Us Now: 860-528-6606​​
We're an FAA Repair Station!

We're conveniently located in north central Connecticut within minutes of Routes 5, I-91, I-291 and I-84. We can help you with all of your precision grinding needs and can handle large projects many companies can't.
We have ID/OD capability to 70" diameter and up to 40" tall to all established requirements!
We can handle your surface grinding needs as well.
We are an FAA Repair Station (#UG7R079Y).
We have some of the shortest lead times in the industry! Depending on our load and your need, expedited orders can often be completed in days instead of weeks!
We do aircraft, industrial, commercial and close tolerance grinding.

What our customers say
Once again you have exceeded my expectations and delivered our HOT job ahead of schedule. Your quality accuracy and commitment to your customer needs is outstanding.
- Randy S., Supply Chain Coordinator
I can always count on United Grinding’s expertise, exceptional quality, fast turn time, and wonderful customer service.
- John T., Outside Vendor Services Coordinator

About UGI
Our success is built on competitive pricing, prompt delivery, and the highest quality communication.
Where many companies simply view themselves as a vendor providing services or product to their customers, we consider ourselves partners with our customers. That means we consider our business an extension of yours, allowing you to feel confident that you will always:
Have the product you need, exactly the way you need it!
Have your products exactly when you need them or sooner!
That means your emergency can become ours! We're here to help.
United Grinding, Inc. is a family owned and operated, U.S. based company. If you have a demand for a reputable grinding service with the ability to grind components both large and small, UGI is your partner!